Our May show is the annual Geek Extravaganza, and this year it is extra special because it’s happening on Star Wars day, May the 4th be with you.
You don't have to know the difference between Kashyyk and Gallifrey to enjoy this show. It's all improv, but with pop-culture/genre/sci-fi/fantasy/comic-book themes. If you've ever seen Star Wars or Star Trek or Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings, Buffy, or Game of Thrones, you know enough to try and stump our players with suggestions that will get them to cross, ship, or just geek out.
So be prepared to see some Star Wars characters and light sabers. We’ll also throw in some phasers, sonic screw drivers, and maybe a “godkiller” sword.
That geek flag will be flying high!
Tickets are $5 at the door
Order online