Lorien, Eric, Allegra, David and Scott are captured in full, coordinated swing during their Irish Drinking Song. Even Lorien, mugging for the camera, is in a leaning pose consistent with the others. It's a bit of stage magic to see everyone working together like this.
We're going to try something a little different for this week's class blog entry. This will be the only picture from the class that I'll post here. The rest of the pictures (142!) are in an online album. I'd like to try putting the time I'd normally spend preparing the photos for the blog into adding some new content.
And now, a quick review of Wednesday night. First off I want to welcome David who came to his first night at the workshop. We started the night with our usual Character Introductions. We followed up with a quick Out Of The Box pantomime exercise, Zip-Zap-Zop, and then One Word Story. For stage work, we started with Gift Giving, followed by Alliteration, and then 185. I was particularly impressed that everyone got up to participate in 185, even though there was some initial resistance. Some of these pieces look particularly difficult, but once you actually step out and try them, they get easier with practice.
Next, we got to the ever popular Irish Drinking Song. This is another good example of a piece that looks difficult at first, but is actually a skill you get better at with practice.
We moved on to the 3-Line Drill, and everyone participated in that one also. We've been working on it a lot lately, and I think it teaches some valuable skills. Unfortunately, it takes a bit of time to get through the whole class, and it leaves us without the chance to use those skills in some open form improv - so we may skip the drill next week, and do some open scenes. We'll see what the class looks like on Wednesday.
We ended the night with almost everyone staying after hours to do a little Freeze Tag. I love ending the night with that piece and I'm glad to see that folks clamor for it.
I'm interested in your thoughts on the blog changes, and directions you'd like to see it go. Feel free to leave a comment, or write to me, or talk to me after a class (or before if you're brave).